You are brave. Deep inside, you know that you are here to do big things.

You have always felt different -- highly sensitive, caring, compassionate. You may even suspect your soul is from another dimension or another planet -- perhaps you are an empath, star person, old soul, ascending master, goddess, bodhisattva, lightworker, healer, fairy, wise woman, shaman, angel in human form?

But, you wonder, what exactly are you meant to do here, and how are you to figure it out?

It is time to embrace a different paradigm than the mainstream society operates under. You are ready to let go of trying to figure it all out with your mind and truly learn how to become divinely guided.

This course will give you a most powerful and efficient path to manifesting your highest calling and living a life of expansive joy, by utilizing the quantum field and following the flow of synchronicity.

This course is designed as a system that will give you everything you need so you can transform your life in a way that feels relaxing, gentle and deeply right to your heart and soul.

No longer do you need to constrain yourself to try and fit your professional work into a role that isn't resonating for you. When you tap into the field of infinite possibility and divine love, you access ease and grace...and a life more wonderful than you ever imagined.


Each section includes a visually beautiful PDF document that you can read while listening to an accompanying audio lecture which is under 15 minutes. Each lesson includes a mantra, action step and journal exercise to help you integrate and apply the material. There are also supplemental materials, short audio and videos that complement the lesson.

My recommendation is that you work on one section per week, but you can do it at whatever pace you prefer, including all at once.


Section 1: Discover Your Purpose
- What is soul purpose?
- What is soul alignment?
- How do you find your gifts?
- Understanding divine timing, synchronicity and cosmic cycles
- Mantra
- Journal Prompt
- Action Step

Supplemental: Short Intro to Tapping Video (4 mins)

Section 2: Follow the Heart
- Letting go of what does not bring joy
- Feeling choices with the heart
- The heart & your dreams
- The heart as sense organ
- Mantra
- Journal
- Action Step

Supplemental Materials: Podcast Interview on Heart vs Mind (60 mins)

Section 3: Flow and Be Divinely Guided
- Responding (yin) rather than initiating (yang)
- How to recognize signs & omens
- How to Enter the Flow of Synchronicity and Stay In It
- On Listening to Your Intuition
- Mantra
- Journal
- Action Step

Supplemental: Video on Following Omens (25 mins)

Section 4: Receiving
- Forms of Divine Grace
- Spirit Wants Us to Flourish
- Common Blocks to Receiving
- How to Clear Stuck Blocks
- Become the Divine Child
- Mantra
- Journal
- Action Step

Supplemental: Talk on overcoming the illusion of unworthiness (8 mins)

Your Instructor

Tara Rose
Tara Rose

Hi, I'm Tara! I'll be your instructor here at the School of Divine Magic.

I've been a Reiki master healer and teacher since 2013, and I love mentoring lightworkers! I'm also an author, speaker and transformational coach based in the American Southwest. I'm a nature lover, an athlete, and an artist, too. To learn more about me, please visit my website,

Course Curriculum

  Section 1: Understanding Soul Purpose
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 2: How to Follow Your Heart
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 3: Enter the Flow of Synchronicity
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 4: Receiving
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Reiki Healing to Clear Fears of Stepping Into Your Purpose
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Higher Purpose Workbook
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Next Steps!
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course is self-paced.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

Congratulations! You have just taken the first step to manifesting your soul purpose!

Get started now!